MBO: Taking Responsibility for Sustainability

04 October 2024

In May 2020, Komori Corporation acquired the MBO Group, which now oversees Komori Group's postpress business.

As a mechanical engineering company, MBO is responsible to society in terms of environmental, climate and resource protection. While MBO accounts for a considerable amount of greenhouse gas emissions, the company also has the expertise and innovative strength to reduce these emissions economically as a major employer in the region.

MBO has taken on these challenges and is implementing numerous measures to minimize its ecological footprint. The company has already made significant progress at its head office in Oppenweiler, Germany, which is presented here in detail.

Photovoltaics: Power from MBO's production

The central component of MBO's environmental strategy is the use of renewable energy. In Oppenweiler, the company has installed two photovoltaic systems on the roofs of the MBO showroom and the administration building that produce electricity for its own consumption. To expand these efforts, MBO will install a third solar energy system in the near future.

The installation of this third photovoltaic system with around 85kWp (kilowatt peak) on the hangar of the R-D building is planned for 2024. A fourth photovoltaic system with around 435kWp will be installed in 2025 as part of the renovation of the assembly hall roof.

However, it is not only in Germany that MBO relies on solar energy and photovoltaics. The roof of the production site in Portugal is already fully equipped with solar energy systems. We are proud that this enables the plant to produce clean electricity, contributing to climate protection and reducing operating costs at the same time.

MBO's move to electromobility

Another important part of MBO's commitment to the environment is the switch to electromobility. Since 2024 the company has been using only electrically powered vehicles. This is part of the strategy to reduce CO2 emissions and promote sustainable transportation solutions.

To make it easier for MBO employees to use these vehicles, the company has set up its own charging station on the factory premises. This allows employees to charge their vehicle batteries efficiently during working hours.

MBO also supports the use of public transport by offering its employees subsidized tickets. This measure makes it easier for employees to do without their own car and use buses and trains instead. It also helps to reduce the volume of traffic and therefore cuts air pollution and resource consumption.

Healthy and sustainable: promoting cycling



In addition to initiatives such as converting its vehicle fleet to electromobility, MBO has also launched a "Job Bike" program that enables the company to finance bicycles for employees at a reduced price, with or without an electric drive.

Because cycling is not only environmentally friendly but also contributes to employee fitness, the company has installed an e-bike charging station in the parking lot. Employees can charge their e-bikes just as easily as their company cars and are more motivated to use bicycles as an alternative to cars for their daily commute.

Packaging without plastic



Paper replaces plastic in packaging

An important area for reducing environmental impact and greenhouse gases with simple and economic measures is MBO's shipping and warehouse logistics. The company has completely stopped using plastic for both packaging and filling materials. It was a challenge to find innovative and environmentally friendly alternatives, but MBO succeeded and the switch to sustainable packaging materials is working extremely well. The company knows that every step in the right direction counts and is proud of its significant progress in this area.

MBO's social responsibility

As a company, MBO is part of society and bears important responsibilities. The company already maintains an intensive dialogue with its neighbors and supports local associations through donations. MBO is rooted here in the region as many of its employees. Its aim is not only to expand environmental initiatives but also find new ways to reduce its ecological footprint. The company also wants to have an even greater impact on society, take on more responsibilities and become more active in social areas.

Looking to the future

MBO is proud of its achievements but is not resting on its laurels. The company is constantly looking for new ways to optimize its processes and achieve its sustainability goals. In the coming years, MBO plans to initiate further projects that focus on both environmental and social aspects.

MBO is looking forward to building a more sustainable future and is convinced that it is part of the solution. The company believes that together with its employees, partners and the community, it can make a significant contribution to protecting the environment. MBO is determined to take responsibility and play an active role in shaping a better world.

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