KOMORI PACKAGING EXPERIENCE DAYS: Tasteful Komori Packaging Experience a Success
Utrecht, The Netherlands
01 August 2018

The latest Komori International (Europe) event, the Packaging Experience, was held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, on May 16 and 17, 2018. Over the two days, roughly 250 visitors from over 35 countries showed up at the Komori Graphic Center-Europe (KGC-E). The Packaging Experience was specifically aimed at packaging printers — with a brand-new machine that is perfect for their printing jobs.
Part of the blend: Coffee tasting
The star of the show was the newly installed six-color Lithrone GX40 press with coater. During live demonstrations, Komori showed an array of automation features by producing several coffee packages. The jobs were a perfect fit for the event's 'coffee' theme. Every printing job matched the theme, with several packaging materials printed during the two-day period. Multiple postcards were printed beforehand and used in giftbags, some in a specially printed box. A special coffee-scented ink was used to produce a poster smelling like real coffee. The theme was further incorporated into giveaways as well as catering. For example, coffee mugs were handed out at the reception, pie and cookies were available, and inside was a coffee tasting experience.
Recently, Firstan, a printer in the United Kingdom, added a Lithrone GX40RP to their lineup. A previously recorded video highlighted the new opportunities the perfecting press offers to Firstan, supported by footage from the actual press room.
Smelling coffee-scented ink
Peter Minis, Marketing Manager of Komori International (Europe), says: "We are very happy with the number of attendees and the broad geographical balance. It shows how diverse Komori International Europe is, especially with our distributor network. We see the number of visitors and level of interest as confirmation that Komori has established an intriguing solution portfolio for the packaging industry. The new Lithrone GX40 gave us the opportunity to show visitors what Komori offers when it comes to high-quality carton and package printing. By integrating the Highcon Euclid IIIS, we were able to show what finishing can do to add even more value to the package print industry. The connection with Firstan in the UK allowed us to bring the Lithrone GX40RP into the event as well."