KGC-E Supports Customers with Total Service Solutions

01 April 2019


Komori Graphic Center-Europe (KGC-E), 'the heart' of Komori International (Europe) headquarters in Utrecht, The Netherlands, is always busy. It holds demonstrations for printers from throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa, provides training and has an active R&D Program.


KGC-E holds demonstrations to give users the ideal opportunity to evaluate Komori machines and systems. In fact, an average of over four demonstrations are organized each week. These feature the latest equipment. Three multi-color Lithrone presses were installed in 2018, making a total of four offset showroom presses. The full-service prepress department with integrated MIS means users can appreciate the high level of Komori's Connected Automation.


As part of the process of commissioning and installing a new Komori machine, Komori forms a partnership with the customer, assuring that all operators and production personnel are fully trained prior to the first printing job. This covers the full process -- every function of the equipment along with software. All conducted by highly trained technical specialists. "I want to teach printers how to get the most out of their Komori machine and, above all, give them a great experience," says KGC-E Print Demonstrator Jeroen Grit.

R & D

KGC-E also works on Research & Development for new products including coatings, consumables, inks, products from the K-Supply lineup and more. For example, KGC-E together with Siegwerk of Germany recently developed a new ink that meets the latest regulations. "We test products and possibilities on a regular basis. Whether it involves K-Supply products or support for a customer, testing plays a vital part in achieving the highest quality possible," says Ad Ekelschot, Manager KGC-E.

"Our Komori Graphic Center-Europe is the pinnacle of creativity, design, innovation and overall possibilities. A visit is well worth your time, especially since we amaze all who enter our doors."

-- Ken Sagawa, President of Komori Europe

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