The Komori Graphic Technology Center at the Tsukuba Plant was the venue for the Innovate to Create Show 2019 on February 8, 2019. Morning and afternoon sessions drew 128 attendees from 76 printing companies. Following opening remarks and an overview of the event by Senior Operating Officer Yoshinobu Komori, visitors were invited to participate in one of four individual seminars covering KP-Connect, the Impremia IS29, Komori's high-end postpress products and the KGC Printing College. In addition, a special seminar was presented by Mr. Minoru Aoshima, a Partner in the Consulting Business Headquarters of the Nomura Research Institute.
In the demonstrations, an eight-color Lithrone GX40RP H-UV L (LED) press ran three jobs on coated stock: 300 sheets of gang-run printing, 700 sheets of an A4 x 16P cosmetics catalogue, and 300 sheets of a pet shop catalogue. Total time: 9 minutes 42 seconds!
The Impremia IS29 UV inkjet digital printing system also ran three jobs: a poster on Japanese paper, a poster on a synthetic substrate and a variable packaging job. The packaging was finished by the Highcon Euclid Digital Cutting and Creasing System.
The four-color Lithrone G37 H-UV L (LED) press received preset data from KP-Connect Pro and printed a double-sided poster. Following the run, automatic setup on the Apressia CTX115 was introduced, and a video of the state-of-the-art Apressia CTX132 newly installed at a Japanese customer was shown.