Komori International (Europe) hosted their official eight-color Lithrone GX40P Launch Event on June 6, as part of the global campaign to highlight this latest addition to the product portfolio. Organized to inform and inspire those who have a specific interest in this perfecting press and its possibilities, the invitation-only event welcomed over 100 selected visitors from the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) region.
The newly revealed machine handles both double-sided one-pass and straight multi-color printing perfectly. The eight-color Lithrone GX40P guarantees high productivity and profitability due to its distinctive Komori perfecting mechanism, which uses three double-size cylinders. Printing up to 18,000 sph, even on heavy stock, the press displayed outstanding performance in both single- and double-sided printing modes during live demonstrations.
Visitors were treated to a full web-to-print simulation by the experienced Komori Graphic Center-Europe (KGC-E) team. The high-end perfecting press produced several short runs of double-sided full color jobs with very fast changeovers. During the same live demonstration, the press showed its potential for catering to the added value market by adding two additional colors whilst printing single-sided. Teamed with the Apressia CTX132 automated cutting system, these solutions can be tailored to specific requirements. As proven this day, Komori is expanding its already rich portfolio of perfecting solutions across the board, with the new Lithrone GX40P being the first to print high-speed and double-sided. Whether it is digital, sheetfed or web offset, Komori has a long history and the expertise to supply customers with unique solutions.
Perfecting at high speed: the perfect addition
Peter Minis, Komori Europe's Marketing Manager: "This new eight-color Komori Lithrone GX40P press offers perfecting printing in a unique combination with high-speed jobs, which makes it a perfect addition to the pressroom of a web-to-print business. High volume, shorter changeovers and, therefore, more productivity. The combination of perfecting and high speed works beautifully with small orders as well, since this machine cuts makeready time on every printing job. This press fits in perfectly in the overall Lithrone press range, where the 'G' stands for Green. It is manufactured in our environmentally conscious factory site in Tsukuba, Japan, where the efficient use of energy is promoted by solar and wind power generation. The Lithrone GX40P saves energy and space while it also reduces exhaust heat during production."
"We have launched this new addition to the perfecting printing range by organizing this event and welcoming customers into our Center. We started off with the official opening by our president, Ken Sagawa, followed by a rundown of Komori's perfecting solutions and a demonstration of the Apressia CTX132. We then served an outstanding seated three-course lunch to customers and their distributors and ended the event with walk-throughs. Our KGC-E demonstrators managed to really take their time and answer all the questions the guests had, while also showing Komori's true engineering excellence by opening the press."
The decision to create an invitation-only event for VIP customers is a new one for Komori Europe. Mr. Minis: "We always do our best to welcome visitors to our Komori Graphic Center-Europe, whether it is for a demonstration or an event like this. But with this new press and the possibilities it offers, we wanted to give our attention to those most likely to favor it. Give a demonstration and several walk-throughs, have demonstrators take the time to answer questions and show them what is happening inside the press. That works best with a smaller audience. We warmly welcome everyone to visit KGC-E for a personalized demonstration of this brand new eight-color Lithrone GX40P and get inspired."